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Individually Controllable Ambient Cubemap Color.UE5

정말 오랫만에 내 개인 블로그에 간단한 결과물을 올리게 되었습니다. 최근 한국으로 귀국 한 이후에는 UE5 와 U3D 엔진을 사용하는 몇… 더 보기 »Individually Controllable Ambient Cubemap Color.UE5

Season 2 of New Soju

Season 2 of New Soju, produced by Studio K110 and Praxis Studios, is finally on air!Congratulations to everyone involved in… 더 보기 »Season 2 of New Soju

Editor mode Lookat Camera

씨네마틱 팀의 개발 요구가 있었기 때문에 간단히 구현 한 Editor mode Lookat Camera. 편집기 에서 이벤트 콜백이 업데이트 되야 하기… 더 보기 »Editor mode Lookat Camera

현대 모비스 DOA 시즌 2 작업.

2023년 한국에 돌아와서 처음 컨설팅 일을 하면서 마무리 한 프로젝트 입니다. 1천만뷰를 기록한 시즌 1에 비해서 Vray Toon 렌더링을 1개월… 더 보기 »현대 모비스 DOA 시즌 2 작업.


I joined the game division Nuverse in 2021.Now I am involved in the development of two multiplatform games.Both projects are… 더 보기 »[2022]BYTEDANCE EXPERIENCE

Light-Probe Data manager implementation [2017]

purpose of implementations. Light Probe data具有在lightAsset中以二进制形式存储的特性。此外,将根据最后一个场景中的信息Replace所有合并的场景的Light Probe信息。解决这一问题的基本方法是TextAsset里单独存储,每个Chunk分别进行管理。此外,还可以实现编辑器扩展,以允许美术团队修改SH细节值。 Light Probe data has the property of being stored as binary in lightAsset.It… 더 보기 »Light-Probe Data manager implementation [2017]


This is an introduction to the projects I participated in while working for Netease.
It includes an introductory video for each project and an explanation of my job position.

Advanced Skin Shader for Next-Gen Mobile games.

通常,移动游戏开发环境不常使用Normal Blur Sub-Surface技术的原因是,因为Normal纹理的Mip-Map需要使用DDX、DDY或Gaussian Blur进行实时Blur处理。

Dual Specular IBL demonstration.

When I set up the lighting, I think I want to control the reflection expression of golden armor or metallic independently of the ambient light. By modifying the Specular IBL and Custom Specular IBL created from SkyIBL in the shader, you can understand how the material expression can be further enhanced.

Synopsis of Helinesia

*Cat god race Eight cats that survived the first disaster gain mysterious powers to become eight heroes, and descendants prospered… 더 보기 »Synopsis of Helinesia

X2M mobile mmo rpg

整个世界的空间为32 Km X 32 Km
真实地形世界空间为16Km x 16Km

运行时包括Light Probe SH数据流时完全流式处理(内部开发)。

-VariableShadow,Distance ShadowMap(将视差阴影缓存视为纹理数组)

Development of three-dimensional pupil shader.

Purpose of implementations.

One draw call rendering by one mesh.

Supporting customization of eyeball pupil.

Simple refraction FX.

Energy conserved specular blinn-phong.

Energy conserved specular blinn-phong implementation record Elements of Implementations Energy conserved diffuse with specular. Physically based Fresnel. Environments Reflectance. Ambient… 더 보기 »Energy conserved specular blinn-phong.


Purpose of implementation. I was used screen space light texture technique (matcap or light-cap) since from 2006 in years.And then… 더 보기 »DUAL PARABOLIC MAT-CAP

Uber Shader GUI Document.

Design philosophy.

1. We do not design an interface that goes beyond the framework of the existing Unity3D ShaderGUI.
2. One Shader is used, but the interface should be able to determine the type.
3. ROOT TYPE and SUBTYPE are provided.
1. You will have to think about the structural design a little longer.

Created a guide sample for using lighting for artists.

There is a part that I often feel when I work for a company.
The quality of the character design and the completeness of the original data are also important, but the final rendering quality that the user sees at the end is also very important.

The Fog of Random 翻译版 [Translation topic]

I’ve found good topic about dev experience from Original Post https://agentlien.github.io/fog/ so I was translation to Korean and Chinese version.

Thanks agentlien.