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OpenColorIO-Tools Installation inside of your Linux(Ubuntu,Fedora)

OpenColorIO-Tools Installation inside of your Linux(Ubuntu, Fedora)

Write by JP.Lee

OpenColorIO-Tools Installation inside of your Linux(Ubuntu, Fedora)

When you guys working on Windows10 very difficult to build a binary file to OpenColorIO source code from the git repo.

So I just explaining to very easy way to use OpenColorIO tools for generating lut files.

Virtual Machine with Linux.

I used to VMWARE but this is not free. So, another virtual machine player as VirtualBox that available to use for free.

Fedora Linux.

You wanna know more? Jump to my notion page.



“OpenColorIO-Tools Installation inside of your Linux(Ubuntu,Fedora)”의 1개의 댓글

  1. 핑백: Post Processing?Substance Painter Color Profile. – leegoonz technical art director

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