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Shadow Stylized Color

The color of the shadows is very important in the whole scene of the game.
Artists have direct control over the color of shadows throughout the scene, or the color and intensity of shadows on characters.

//Added at the bottom of the UniversalFragmentPBR function.
half NL = dot(normalize(inputData.normalWS), normalize(mainLight.direction));
half nolmask =saturate(NL);
half addShadowAtten = 1 - smoothstep(_NoLMinBrightShadow, _NoLMaxBrightShadow, nolmask);
mainLight.shadowAttenuation = saturate(addShadowAtten + mainLight.shadowAttenuation);
color = lerp(color, color * _SubtractiveShadowColor.rgb  * _BrightShadow, (1.0 - mainLight.shadowAttenuation) );
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

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